Archive | March, 2013

What Christian Leaders Say About “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry”

28 Mar
Dr. Morris CerulloPresident, Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

Dr. Morris Cerullo
President, Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

DR. MORRIS CERULLO “It has been one of the great joys of our lives for Theresa and I to watch the anointing of God increase upon Greg’s life these past twenty five years.Greg has become more than a blessing – he is a dear spiritual son and an extension of my ministry. His life has literally demonstrated the message in the pages of “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s 
Ministry.” He has flourished as he has served and received the impartation from my life and ministry to his.

Those that come under the special anointing imparted in this book truly become an extension of what it really means to be a disciple of Christ.

God called Greg as an accounting student from Oral Roberts University with a passion to reach the world for Jesus, to come and join the Morris Cerullo World Evangelism team in San Diego in 1987.

As he showed himself faithful over time, I will never forget then sending him to live in England with his young family as my European Director for almost seven years. Together we saw Great Britain shaken as 16,000 plus a night jammed the historic Earl’s Court Auditorium for annual week-long Mission to London meetings, 50,000 pack the Olympic Stadium over three nights in Moscow, Russia, just months after the Iron Curtain came down, pioneer Christian television across Europe and so much more…

Over the years, Greg has served as my crusade director, television co-host, writer, accountant, media buyer, marketing and public relations man, emcee of my conferences, and most of all my associate minister.

Ever pastor – leader – believer — that wants God to use their life in a greater way – will be deeply blessed and enriched by the encouraging words of this book.

I highly recommend every pastor and spiritual leader who truly wants an armor bearer, to seed this message into their lives. You will be rewarded with a ministry of faithfulness.”

Tommy BarnettPASTOR TOMMY BARNETT  “I have witnessed firsthand the great blessing Greg has been to Dr. Cerullo’s life and ministry, and have seen his own life and ministry flourish as he has served and received the impartation of his mentor. These nuggets from Greg’s 25 years of experience will take your Christian experience to another level”

Dr. Myles Munroe

Dr. Myles Munroe

DR MYLES MUNROE “This erudite, eloquent, and immensely thought-provoking work is one that is well overdue in the market and addresses a vital subject that few have attempted to resolve. This work unveils some of the most important principles regarding a leader serving another leader. It reinforces the precept of our Lord Jesus Christ whose philosophy of leadership was summarized in the statement” “The greatest among you shall be the one who serves.”This is indispensable reading for anyone who wants to understand the privilege and benefits of serving another man’s vision. This is a profound authoritative work written by a man who demonstrated all principles in this book and who is also qualified to do so. The wisdom in this work spans the legacy of many in history and yet breaks new ground in its approach and will possibly become a classic in this and the next generation.This exceptional work by Greg Mauro is one of the most profound, practical, principle-centered approaches to the subject of servant leadership I have read in a long time. The author’s approach to this timely and critical issue brings a fresh breath of air that captivates the heart, engages the mind and inspires the spirit of the reader. Greg, congratulations on a job well done and may this book cause others to embrace the joy of servant leadership.Every sentence of this book is pregnant with wisdom and I enjoyed the mind-expanding experience of reading this exciting book. I admonish every leader to plunge into this ocean of knowledge and practical wisdom and activate the exceptional leadership spirit and the blessing of serving another man’s Vision.”

Perry StoneVoice of Evangelism

Perry Stone
Voice of Evangelism

PERRY STONE “In a time when those called to ministry desire to lead others, Greg Mauro reveals in this book the key of ministry is learning to serve others. Greg writes with key insight from direct experience of serving the ministry of world renowned Evangelist, Morris Cerullo. You will find his insights more than just words in a book, but powerful nuggets that when applied to those serving other leaders, will bring great success and fulfillment in your own ministry. Greg has been as faithful to Dr. Cerullo as Elisha was to Elijah, and has followed and stood with God’s Prophet for 25 years. Discover what he has learned and apple these principles that will, ‘Sentence you to success!’”

Apostle Mike EfezinoPrince of Peace Ministries

Apostle Mike Efezino
Prince of Peace Ministries

APOSTLE MIKE EFEZINO “ The blessing of serving another mans ministry ” is a mini book with a mega punch.
Rev. Greg has earned the right to talk the talk because he has walked the walk. This a must read, for every believer that feels or knows that they have being called to serve in the Lord’s vineyard. Thanks Rev. Greg for letting others glean from your experience and wisdom.”

Pastor Hernan CastanoHouston, Texas

Pastor Hernan Castano
Houston, Texas

DR. HERNAN CASTANO “As the hispanic voice for Dr. Morris Cerullo for many years, I have not ever known a man, anointed and called by God, that has served with suchpassion, intensification, and loyalty, another anointed man’s ministry like Greg Mauro has stood side by side with God’s Apostle Morris Cerullo. Greg has written in this book such powerful secrets of deep revelation regarding the calling to serve others, that any one that reads this book will never again refuse to serve another man’s ministry. I can only pray that the words of this book are soon translated into spanish, as this is a book for all the nations and languages.”

Pastor Matthew Barnett, Co-founder of the Dream Center

Pastor Matthew Barnett, Co-founder of the Dream Center

PASTOR MATTHEW BARNETT “Greg Mauro has spent the majority of his life defining what it means to have integrity, faithfulness, and commitment. Through his service to the ministry of Dr. Morris Cerullo, he has seen countless people give their lives to the Lord and many nations changed because of the work they are doing. This book will show the importance of a servant’s heart, and how even though one’s work may go unseen, their role is important and their impact is great. For anyone who needs a reminder of the joys and rewards of living a faithful life, I would highly recommend this work.”


Dr. Stephen L. Lowery,
President National Church of God and National Bible College & Seminary
Washington, DC

PASTOR STEPHEN LOWERY “It is my honor and privilege to recommend “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry” by the uniquely qualified Kingdom servant and friend, Greg Mauro.  I am convinced that the Christian Church has inadvertently taught that unless someone is the main or set man, they are of no value.  But, Jonathan would never have defeated the Philistines had it not been for his servant who said, (paraphrased) “turn around, don’t worry about me, I’ve got your back.” For 25 years, Greg has walked behind Dr. Cerullo, sharing the burden of international ministry and has freed him to follow God’s voice and vision.”

Dr. Tim Storey

Dr. Tim Storey

DR. TIM STOREY “Greg Mauro has had the privilege of walking side by side with a true General. As Elisha spent 10 years serving and learning from Elijah. Greg has spent over 20 years serving Dr Morris Cerrullo. He teaches in this wonderful book that serving another mans dream is not only fulfilling but can lead to your own dreams being fulfilled. good going Greg you made me want to serve even more.”

Stephan K. Munsey, Ph.D., Senior PastorFamily Christian CenterMunster, Indiana

Stephan K. Munsey, Ph.D., Senior Pastor
Family Christian Center
Munster, Indiana

PASTOR STEVE MUNSEY “Greg Mauro has been the right-hand man to Evangelist Morris Cerullo for many years.  Each time I have met with him I have been impressed by his very efficient servant-hood and his sincere desire to make life easier for Brother Cerullo.  The secrets to tapping into the blessing he has written about in this book are tried and tested through his years of serving.  God bless you, Greg, for writing such a book!”

Dr. Christian M. Harfouche

Dr. Christian M. Harfouche

DR. CHRISTIAN HARFOUCHE  “As we have been taught by the Lord, it is more blessed to give than to receive; It has always been a heart felt pleasure to watch intently the loving service of excellence extended through Greg Mauro to Dr. Morris Cerullo, his mentor, without any reservations. This is a refreshing sight and experience indeed, and certainly 25 years of serving an anointed prophet’s vision has qualified our brother Greg to minister the key secrets necessary to sentence any believer to the life of success, directly intwined and connected to unconditional service. This book of seven keys will enable you to keep your appointment with the sentence of success– the commanded blessing of God over your life. Congratulations Greg on 25 years of faithfulness and may your message reach the hearts and minds of multitudes around the world!”


Dr. T. L. Lowery, Founder

DR. T. L. LOWERYThank you, Greg Mauro, for writing this valuable book about investing one’s life in the ministry of another. Like your mentor, Morris Cerullo, my longtime friend and colleague, God has given me the honor of preaching to hundreds of thousands in the United States and around the world, writing dozens of books, using radio and TV for His glory, administering schools and a foundation, and otherwise fulfilling my calling.

I confess that my ministerial efforts have been immensely enhanced and enlarged because faithful helpers have followed their calling to work alongside. Only heaven can reveal the multiplication of ministry made possible by men and women who may have subordinated their personal dreams to dedicate their talents and abilities to another of God’s servants. May their tribe increase!

Sydney Stair

Dr. Sydney Stair

DR. SYDNEY STAIR“The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry” by Rev. Greg Mauro could not be timelier.  My heart is sadden when I pause to observe this present generation and wonder what would become of their grandchildren if moral values, honor, character and a spirit of service are not reinstituted back into the homes and schools of our society by and large.

I’ve known Greg for more than a decade and I’m a personal witness that every one of the 7 secrets he shares in his book is absolutely true and based on his life experience standing alongside Dr. Morris Cerullo in ministry.  For Greg, serving Dr. Cerullo’s ministry is not a job, but a delight, because he does it whole-heartedly and he’s available 24/7.

I recommend this book to every person who is now starting out in ministry.  Just like Greg said, these seven secrets will sentence you to success.

Sharon DaughertySenior PastorVictory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK

Sharon Daugherty
Senior Pastor
Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK

PASTOR SHARON DAUGHERTYThis book will inspire and challenge you as a reader to allow God to use your life as a servant.  Greg’s personal story along with his wisdom from experience shows how God calls people together creating a team that can impact the world.  He shares the fulfillment and blessing of following the call of God to serve a leader and advance the Kingdom of God here in the earth.

Dr. Michelle CorrallFounder, Breath of the Spirit Ministries

Dr. Michelle Corrall
Founder, Breath of the

Spirit Ministries

DR. MICHELLE CORRALL  “The message of “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry” is awesome and so needed in the church today. Greg gave up his own ministry to serve a great man of God. As a result, Dr. Cerullo’s ministry went to another level because of this servant of God. We need men and women in the Body of Christ today that will say, “I am not just in this for myself, but I am out to work for the kingdom of God!”  I have ordered bulk copeis for all my staff and keep buying them and distributing them to our workers.”






(“The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry: Seven Serving Secrets That Will Sentence You To Success”, is available on starting at $2.99 Discounted bulk copies available direct from author at

Honor: The Serving Secret That Will Sentence You To Success!

25 Mar

Greg Mauro has served for 26 years as the vice-president of Ministries for international evangelist, Dr. Morris Cerullo and is the author of “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry: Seven Serving Secrets That Will Sentence You To Success!”

I knew a man very well that went to work for a major ministry. He quickly worked his way into a position of leadership in the ministry. Whenever he was in the presence of the president of the ministry he was the picture of honor. From serving the man water, juice, etc… to buckling him in his car, to displaying the most incredible outward show of honor and respect once could imagine. But when he was not in the presence of the mentor he would second guess and make ever increasing disparaging remarks.

This man had a hidden agenda. He was operating under the deception that he would one day take this man’s ministry, which sadly he eventually attempted to do through a five year series of frivolous and totally unsuccessful lawsuits against his mentor.

Today this man is completely out of the ministry while the mentor is thriving, reaching the world for Christ. Honor is much more than an outward display or lip service.

We serve a God who puts a high premium on the character trait of honor. Yet we live in a day where there is an apparent dearth of honor both inside and outside the church. Simply defined honor is high respect toward someone or something.

How can we expect the blessing of God as we serve another person’s ministry without a heart felt, abiding, sincere honor and respect for our mentor?

Honor is referred to directly or indirectly over 400 times in scripture as a command in both our horizontal (with our spouse, employer, children, those in authority, etc) and in our vertical (with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) relationships.

Every dysfunction can be traced to a lack of honor for authority.

The first commandment with promise is “Honor thy mother and father that your days may be long upon the land your God is giving you” Exodus 20:12

A great man once said, “All truth is parallel”.

Not only will we be blessed in the “land” that God has given us when we honor our natural parents, but the same honor is a condition of God’s blessing as it relates to our spiritual leaders. We live in a generation that openly celebrates dishonor and disrespect.

II Timothy 3:1-2 foretold our day: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud; blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent…”

Sad to say that dishonor and second guessing of our leaders runs rampant in the church today. Something as simple as referring to our pastor by his or her title and not simply on a “buddy buddy” first name basis that so many today feel is appropriate under the misguided belief that there is no difference between the laity and the clergy.

Do you think over familiarity with your spiritual leader/mentor can lead to disrespect? It did for Aaron and Miriam. (Num 12:1-2) And the Lord called Aaron and Miriam to task on it immediately!

“They (Aaron and Miriam) said, ‘Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Hasn’t He spoken through us too?’ But the Lord heard them…So immediately the Lord called out to Moses, Aaron and Miriam and said, “Go out to the tabernacle, all three of you! And the Lord said to them, ‘Now listen to what I have to say!”

The Bible tells us that the Lord was very angry with them, and struck Miriam with leprosy!

Some of the most “super spiritual” believers are the ones that have the biggest struggle with honoring their leaders as they feel that they have arrived and are on equal footing with anyone. While it is true that we are equal in relationship to God, we are different in function, and God expects that difference to be honored.

God expected it of the children of Israel and He still expects it today.

A return to biblical honor of our spiritual leaders is an indispensable key that will begin to release a new dimension of the blessing of God into your life, your family and your ministry.

(The above is an excerpt from “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry: Seven Serving Secrets That Will Sentence You To Success”, available on starting at $2.99 Discounted bulk copies available direct from author at Join Greg’s Facebook page at:

Are You Called To Serve Another Man’s Ministry?

16 Mar


The place: I will forever remember as though we were standing there now as you read these words…

The walking bridge connecting the student parking lot to the bustling campus of Oral Roberts University, where the grandiose buildings and space age architecture were a daily reminder to the thousands of us students of Dr Oral Roberts charge to “Make no small plans here”.

The time: Twenty five years ago.

The experience: A life changing encounter that would set the course for my spiritual future in ways I would never have imagined when I woke up almost late for class that beautiful Spring morning in Tulsa…

With a mere six weeks remaining before graduation, and with a dream in my heart far bigger than myself, I was ready to go from this incredible place of preparation to be used by God to fulfill the Great Commission and reach our world for Christ.

Serving as a youth pastor in a local church, as a worship leader in another, carrying a 10 foot cross and sharing the gospel with whomever would listen across Tulsa, preaching on the streets, outside bars, leading evangelistic teams to Florida’s beaches during Spring break to witness to the masses of college students that swarm there from across the country — now coupled with my ORU experience, I was ready to spread my wings and take the next exciting step in God’s unfolding plan.

I drove my old car from the student apartments to campus, parked in the lot outside the Mabee Center and began my trek to class.

Done it hundreds of times.  Grab my books, slam the car door closed and begin my brisk walk with a spring in my step to be sure I get to the first class of the day on time.

Connecting the parking lot and the campus is a simple white cement walking bridge spanning across a creek that divides the lot from the ORU campus, a well traveled daily route…

But I was soon to find out that this day would be unlike any other.

As I set foot on the bridge, I encountered a tangible presence and heard a voice that I knew only to well — that stopped me in my tracks…

Students scurrying to class by the scores walked past me as I stood still at the mid point of this small bridge.

Perhaps a minute passed, and now I was standing alone on the bridge.

Unexpectedly stopped by a wonderful presence and challenged by the unmistakable voice of the Holy Spirit.

The words as fresh today as they were 25 years ago,

“Greg, what would you think if I called you to serve another man’s ministry that had the same vision that I have put in your heart, and by doing so, you would reach more people for My kingdom than if you did so on your own?”

I stood motionless pondering this heavenly proposition.

A few straggling students passed by on the bridge I’m sure wondering if this skinny 6′ 9″ motionless statue of a fellow student had lost his marbles!

Knowing how I responded to this divine moment would surely set the course for God’s future plans for my life.

And marveling what a gentleman our God is…

To present a “what would you think?” question, and not some “thus saith the Lord, you will do such and such…” command!

I stood there and pondered…

Give up the idea of launching “my own” ministry…

Serve someone else’s ministry that had the same heart as I do.

Reach more people.

Be more effective for the Kingdom of God.

The more I mulled it over, it was a clear no brainer!

“Sure, Lord.  If I can be more fruitful and reach more for You by helping someone else that is already doing what You have put in my heart to do, then count me in!”

Two weeks later, the ORU chapel service guest minister was introduced to the students, worldwide evangelist, apostle, prophet, Dr Morris Cerullo.

Another life changing encounter…

As this servant of God spoke from the words of John 6:28 “What must we do that we might work the works of God”, the Mabee Center chapel shook as the anointing of the Holy Spirit was poured out mightily upon the students.

Soon all were out of their seats, dropped to their knees, and crying out for God to use their lives…

As was I.

As I slowly began to stand after this season of prayer and communion with God on my knees in this powerful chapel service, that same voice I encountered on the bridge spoke again,

“Greg, I am calling you to stand by Morris’ side and help him in the ministry.”

Immediately my plans to enroll in the ORU seminary that Fall flashed before my minds eye.  I asked God, “What about my plans to attend seminary?”

Now a quarter of a century later, God’s four word reply has proven over and over again  to be the understatement of my life,

“This will be greater!”

On my knees in that ORU chapel service, I could not have imagined the blessings that God had in store these past 25 years serving as the vice-president of Ministries for Dr Morris Cerullo.

A beautiful, godly wife. (pictured below)  Eight incredible, healthy children.  By the grace of God and their hard work each offered full scholarships to attend some of the top universities in the world. Three adorable grand children.  A praying mother that loves and prays for me and our family and the ministry of Dr Cerullo in her prayers daily. A younger brother, Glenn that has a heart of gold and another brother, Gary, that pastors one of the great churches in America…


The opportunity to stand by Dr Cerullo’s side as communism fell (as he prophesied for 14 consecutive years prior from the platform of the Royal Albert Hall) and conduct the first historic public crusade in Moscow before 50,000 in the Olympic Stadium…

To stand by Dr Cerullo’s ‘side and give birth to week-long Mission to London outreaches from world famous Earl’s Court to capacity crowds of 16,000 per night (pictured below) for six successive years that shook Britain and garnered unprecedented national and worldwide attention for the message of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ…


To personally preach by a spontaneous miracle to 200,000 protesters on the University Square in Bucharest, Romania following the fall of the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu while I was in there meeting with key leaders that had invited Dr Cerullo to conduct a national School of Ministry and Crusade later that year…

Now on my fourth passport, having been privileged to have seen millions saved, healed, set free, receive the impartation of the anointing and being used by God on every continent…yes, there is unquestionably an incredible blessing waiting for those that will rise up to accept the calling to serve another man’s ministry.

To do so we will have to rise above a culture and an era that celebrates the entrepreneur, the self-made man or woman that blazes his or her own trail.  That same spirit has permeated the church, particularly the independent, Charismatic segments, where we are frequently bombarded with all the messages, encouragements, “words from the Lord” and marketing tools to launch your own ministry – get ordained – start your website – launch your own worldwide ministry and go!

In sharp contrast, Jesus said, “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” (Luke 16:22)

If we agree that there is a calling to serve another man’s ministry, then it is my prayer that many will rise up from their church pew as a spectator each Sunday and find an exciting, blessed place of service along side the ministry they are a part of.

I Corinthians 12:28 highlights the importance of the ministry of helps in the God-ordained structure of the church, listing it right after apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healings:

“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.”  (I Cor 12:28)

Kim Harrington of Masterbuilder Ministries said it so well in her article on “The Ministry of Helps”:

“People approach the church with pretty much the same consumer mentality they bring to the shopping mall — you better deliver the goods, be nice and user-friendly, or I’ll simply take my business elsewhere. The concept of servant hood and faithfulness, sacrifice and dependability seems to be a thing of the past, or at least something that doesn’t apply to church anymore.

The desperate need in all sorts of Christian ministries is for those who will dedicate themselves to the ministry of helps, a rather inglorious sounding title, but listed in order right after miracle and healing ministries in the above text. The Greek word translated “helps” means “to lay hold of, so as to support.” In other words, a minister of helps is someone who commits himself to another ministry in order to support and assist in any way he or she can.

I’m impressed by the ministry team of Billy Graham in this respect. One of the great reasons for his enormous success has to be the dedicated team that has worked with him since the early ’50s — Cliff Barrows, George Beverly Shea, and others, have been with him from the very beginning. They didn’t see their work with Billy as a stepping stone towards their own independent ministries, but rather as a lifetime calling. And in the process of helping his ministry, they have achieved personal ministerial success that they never could have attained on their own. How many records has Bev Shea sold, how many millions of people has Barrows taught over the years, that never would have been possible outside of Billy Graham’s ministry? When you commit yourself to the ministry of helps you lay hold of personal success that you might never have achieved otherwise.”

Is there a Barnabas, a Silas, a Timothy, an Aquila/Priscilla reading that is ready to serve the next Apostle Paul?

Or a band of mighty men ready to serve the next David?

An Elisha to serve the next Elijah?

Or the next Kenneth Copeland that will serve the book table of the next Oral Roberts?

God has ordained an amazing journey for you and secret number one to experiencing this incredible blessing is settling the question once and for all – yes, as a New Testament Christian, I am called to serve another man’s ministry.

(The above is an excerpt from “The Blessing of Serving Another Man’s Ministry: Seven Serving Secrets That Will Sentence You To Success”, available on starting at $2.99 Discounted bulk copies available direct from author at


The Blessing Of Serving Another Man’s Ministry

15 Mar

The Blessing Of Serving Another Man's Ministry

My book cover